Do You Give a Damn?

give a damnI just came from an amazing event.  Hundreds of men gathered to contribute to the betterment of their community.  Hundreds of men of all ages, colors and stripes united by the desire to do what they can to spend themselves for the benefit of others: hundreds of men who give a damn.

100 Men Who Give a Damn.  (  The concept is simple; the message compelling; the impact significant.  Not surprisingly, the 100 Men Who Give a Damn is far larger than 100 men.  The movement now includes over 300 men.  Frankly, I think they need to change the name to 1000s of Men Who Give a Damn, or should I say “we” as I am a Man Who Gives a Damn.

So what is the concept?  Well, in their (our) own words:

“We’re a bunch of guys who care enough about our community to want to make a BIG impact. We meet quarterly, hear about the great work of three local charities, and then choose one. Our members then donate $100 each to that one charity.”

When we arrive at the quarterly gathering carrying a blank cheque, we’re given a poker chip.  After listening to 5 minute presentations from 3 charities we put our poker chip in the container of the charity for whom we want to vote.  Poker chips are counted and the charity with the most poker chips receives a $100 cheque from each man who gives a damn.

On this particular occasion the chosen charity walked away with about $30,000 in donations.  Those charities not chosen go back onto the list to be chosen to present at future events if they so choose.  Men Who Give a Damn invest 90 minutes of socializing, networking, listening and $100 every 3 months and create a significant positive impact in our community.

Every community needs 100 Men Who Give a Damn.

This is a fabulous example of great leadership.  The message is compelling, the action required is simple, and the commitment sustainable.  Who wouldn’t want to be known as a man who gives a damn?!  What’s the alternative?  100 Men Who Could Care Less?

Great companies, great communities and great countries are created by people who give a damn.  That’s really what leaders are: people who give a damn.  Giving a damn is about action.  If you say you give a damn and don’t do anything about it, then you really don’t give a damn.  Don’t kid yourself – if you care about something you take action.  If you’re not taking action then you really don’t care too much.

Great leaders take action.  They see a need and then do something to meet that need.  They recognize true leadership is all about helping people be better.  It’s recognizing that we’re meant to be spent for the benefit of others.  It’s about looking beyond your own needs to the needs of others.

It’s about giving a damn, and doing something about it.

Lots of people give a damn about things that impact them, but leaders give a damn about things that impact others.  Leaders contribute their time, talent and treasure to encourage, envision, empower, and equip others.  Leaders don’t just care about themselves, they care about others.

Leaders realize there are only 2 ways to live life: spend others for your own benefit, or spend yourself for the benefit of others.  Leaders choose the latter.  People who give a damn choose the latter.

Look around you.  What needs do you see?  How can you contribute?  How can you step up your leadership?  Maybe you have grown jaded and cynical – maybe you don’t give a damn.  We both know that’s no way to live, there is no life in that.  You’re needed somewhere.  You can make a difference somewhere, somehow.

We don’t find real happiness by pursuing it – it will elude us.  True happiness is the natural by-product of a life spent in service to others.  Your happiness will best bloom when it is transplanted in the soil of other people’s lives.

Great leadership and a fulfilling life begin by giving a damn – for the benefit of others.

So, do you give a damn?  Now, what are you going to do about it?

Leading and Living on Purpose.